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Our Story

Born out of a collective need for representation, acceptance, and community support, our journey began in 2023 with a diverse group of passionate individuals who refused to accept the status quo. Faced with the realities of discrimination and marginalization, we united under a common purpose: to create a space where every LGBTQ+ person could live authentically and without fear. With unwavering determination, we embarked on a mission to celebrate diversity, advocate for equality, and uplift our community.

Our goal is to continue to grow and evolve, expanding our reach to include educational workshops, cultural events, and advocacy initiatives. Together, we’ve challenged stereotypes, shattered barriers, and transformed lives. As we look to the future, our commitment remains steadfast: to build a world where love knows no bounds and every individual is embraced for who they are.

Our Pride organization stands as a testament to the power of unity, courage, and unwavering hope. Join us as we march forward, hand in hand, towards a brighter and more inclusive tomorrow.

We Strive to be a Representative Body of the LGBTQ+ Community.

Mission, Vision & Values

Mission: A representative body of the Kettering Community, we are a dynamic and inclusive non-profit organization based in Kettering, OH, dedicated to empowering and uplifting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning youth. Through our vital, transformative programs, we leverage safe, affirming spaces for self-expression and establish unconditional acceptance. We are committed to nurturing leadership, fostering community, and driving impactful advocacy that supports the unique journeys of LGBTQ+ individuals.

Vision: Our vision is a vibrant, equitable world where every LGBTQ+ individual is not only celebrated and supported but also empowered to live their truth boldly and without fear. We strive for a future where diversity is embraced and equality is the standard, ensuring that no one faces discrimination or prejudice.

Values: Our core values are the foundation of everything we do. We are guided by inclusivity, respect, authenticity, and solidarity. We believe in the power of creating safe and nurturing spaces where individuals of all sexual orientations and gender identities can thrive, find their voices, and build meaningful connections within a community that stands seen.

Our Team

Kelley Summers

CEO/Director of Community Engagement

Paige Cheadle

COO/Director of Social Media

Amanda Sanderson

Chief Marketing Officer

Siobhan Brown

Chief Technology Officer/Director of Fundraising

Nedra Havens

Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer

Josie DeDominici

Director of Entertainment
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